Taking A Dive

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Introduction to Taking a Dive

The following article (which can be read in full on the News site) is, in many ways, a ‘typical’ Imperial research story. Take a look through the News site and you will see many structured just like it.

As with many news websites, we aim for our stories to be accessible and understandable for as wide an audience as possible – from members of the public with a casual interest in science, to PhD-holding academics.

So what are the hallmarks of an Imperial news story? When a researcher comes to us ready to announce some fascinating new study, how are we likely to write about it?

To explain our approach to news writing, we’ve broken down the story below.

The following article (which can be read in full on the News site) is, in many ways, a ‘typical’ Imperial research story. Take a look through the News site and you will see many structured just like it.

What I think!

As with many news websites, we aim for our stories to be accessible and understandable for as wide an audience as possible – from members of the public with a casual interest in science, to PhD-holding academics.

So what are the hallmarks of an Imperial news story? When a researcher comes to us ready to announce some fascinating new study, how are we likely to write about it?

To explain our approach to news writing, we’ve broken down the story below.

The following article (which can be read in full on the News site) is, in many ways, a ‘typical’ Imperial research story. Take a look through the News site and you will see many structured just like it.

As with many news websites, we aim for our stories to be accessible and understandable for as wide an audience as possible – from members of the public with a casual interest in science, to PhD-holding academics.

So what are the hallmarks of an Imperial news story? When a researcher comes to us ready to announce some fascinating new study, how are we likely to write about it?

To explain our approach to news writing, we’ve broken down the story below.

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